The Importance of Body Language in English Teaching

来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snailswuya
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Body language is an important media through which people communicate with each other.This paper mainly discusses the importance of body language in English teaching.As nonverbal communication plays a significant role in the interaction between teachers and students,body language can complement verbal messages and can communicate as effectively as words.Body language helps in motivating students’ interest and improving the effect of teaching.Teaching English with the help of body language can improve the efficiency of learning English and optimize the design of English classroom activities.Teachers should make good use of body language in classroom teaching and at the same time great attention should be paid to the principles of using body language in order to achieve the best teaching results. Body language is an important media through which people communicate with each other.This paper mainly discusses the importance of body language in English teaching.As nonverbal communication plays a significant role in the interaction between teachers and students, body language can complement verbal messages and can communicate as effectively as words.Body language helps in motivating students’ interest and improving the effect of teaching.Teaching English with the help of body language can improve the efficiency of learning English and optimize the design of English classroom activities.Teachers should make good use of body language in classroom teaching and at the same time great attention should be paid to the principles of using body language in order to achieve the best teaching results.
春天很美,写春天的古诗词很多,感受古诗词中的春天可受到美的熏陶。古诗词教学中采用诵读感受春天的方法,让学生陶冶身心,感受春天的美好。 Spring is beautiful, write a l
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