Caffeine contains a considerable amount of caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the human body. Many caffeine-related health problems are still under study. In view of the controversy over the health and psychotherapeutic effects of caffeine, many aspects of caffeine biosynthesis and metabolism, transport and accumulation, genetic control, chromosomal rupture and psychotropic effects have been studied. It is reported that caffeine nitrogen content of 26.38%. There was a positive correlation between caffeine and nitrogen content in small and medium-sized coffee leaves and in reproductive organs. It has been reported that the synthesis of caffeine increases with the amount of nitrogen applied. The purpose of this experiment was to explore the correlation between leaf caffeine and nitrogen content and to study changes in caffeine, nitrogen and dry matter content of the leaves during the harvest season. In order to understand the effect of reproductive development on leaf dry matter accumulation, caffeine synthesis and nitrogen content, leaf samples should be collected in stages according to flower germination, flower bud development, flowering, different stages of development and harvest of berry. Table 1 lists the details of each stage of development and sampling.