本试验主要探索微肥、激素对垫江白柚着果及品质的影响,以期解决垫江白柚着果率低的问题。1材料与方法 试验于1999年在飞龙乡高明园艺场进行,试材为沙壤上.上生长的6年生垫江白柚。 设4个处理:①0.3%磷酸二氢钾+ 0.4%尿素;②0.2%硼砂+处理①:③16
The main purpose of this experiment is to explore the effect of micronutrients and hormones on the fruit and quality of Dianjiang white grapefruit in order to solve the problem of low fruit yield of Dianjiang white grapefruit. 1 Materials and Methods The experiment was carried out in 1999 in Feilong Township Gaoming horticultural field, the test material for the soil on the sand. Six years on the growth of Dianjiang white grapefruit. Set 4 treatment: ① 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.4% urea; ② 0.2% borax + processing ①: ③ 16