当国产紧凑型小车都在配置上拼命追赶中高级车时,BMW 1系却在减配。120i自动挡车型拥有做工还算细致的真皮内饰,但座椅材料却换成了织物,空调也是手动的。堪称BMW精髓的设计和系统全部保留——50:50的前后重量比、后轮驱动、DSC动态稳定程序和全新的变速器。热爱BMW、热爱操控的人会视1系为天使;而注重性价比的人则视其为怪物,即使这是一辆纯正的BMW。
When the domestic compact car are configured to chase after the high-class cars, BMW 1 Department is in the reduction. 120i automatic models have fairly detailed workmanship leather interior, but the seat material has been replaced by the fabric, air conditioning is also manual. The design and system of BMW’s essence are all retained - front-to-rear weight ratio of 50:50, rear wheel drive, DSC dynamic stability program and a completely new transmission. People who love BMW and people who love to control will regard an angel as an angel, while a price-conscious person treats it as a monster, even if it is a pure BMW.