“绣珠”是以甜樱桃品种“晚红珠”作母本、“13-33”作父本杂交育成的甜樱桃中熟新品种。2014年6月通过辽宁省非主要农作物品种审定委员会审定。该品种果实宽心脏形,平均果实纵径2.50cm、横径3.20 cm。果个大,平均单果质量12.5 g,最大单果质量16.0 g。果皮底色稍呈浅黄色,果实阳面着鲜红色霞,有光泽,外观色泽美。梗洼广、浅、缓,果柄长4.60 cm、粗0.18 cm。果顶圆、平。果核卵圆形,较大,黏核。果肉浅黄色,
“Embroidered beads ” is a sweet new varieties of sweet cherry cultivated sweet cherry variety “late red beads ” as the female parent, “13-33 ” as the male parent. In June 2014, it was approved by Liaoning Province Non-main Crop Variety Approval Committee. The variety of wide heart-shaped fruit, the average fruit longitudinal diameter 2.50cm, diameter 3.20 cm. Fruit a big, the average single fruit mass 12.5 g, the largest single fruit mass 16.0 g. Peel slightly pale yellow peel, bright red sun on the side of the fruit, shiny, beautiful color appearance. Terrier depression wide, shallow, slow, stalks 4.60 cm long, crude 0.18 cm. Fruit top circle, flat. Fruit nuclear oval, larger, sticky core. Light yellow flesh,