Ⅰ. Introducing New Lessons from Old Lessons Ask a classmate when checking knowledge: “Under what conditions can nitrogen and hydrogen be combined? What is the product? Write the chemical equation.” After the students answered and analyzed, they left on the blackboard Under the chemical formula written by the students: N_2 + 3H_2 high temperature and high pressure catalyst (?) 2NH_3 And then tell the students: Now we study the industrial production of nitrogen hydride - ammonia, thus introducing a new lesson. II. Explaining the Principles of Chemical Reactions through Demonstration Experiments At the beginning of the lecture, I first inspired students to recall the conditions required for the combination of chlorine and hydrogen compounds, sulfur and hydrogen, and then asked the question: “Why do chlorine and hydrogen require such conditions Can we generate ammonia? ”At this moment I carry out the following analysis:" We know that heating can speed up the reaction of certain substances,