出台政府指导价 为乳业困局解套——聚焦生鲜乳品价格倒置捆绑乳业利益链破题之道

来源 :黑龙江畜牧兽医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qianglongzx
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仅一年多的时间,全国养牛第一大县双城的奶牛存栏量骤减7.28万头,下降了1/4。奶农说,饲养成本不断上涨,奶价却被压得很低,赔钱时间太长了,无法维持现状,只能卖牛、杀牛。放眼黑龙江省,双城现象并非是孤立存在的个案,长期的价格低迷让养殖户失去了坚守的耐心,纷纷缩减规模、降低存栏,其直接后果就是导致了奶源的减少。还以双城为例,雀巢公司目前日收生鲜乳1000吨,较之去年同期下降了16%,有1/3的产能因此被搁置。奶农与乳制品加工企业,本是产业链的两端,一荣俱荣、一损俱损,如今却成为了相互博弈的冤家,而从这场价格战打响的那一天起,就注定了双方将共同承担恶果。有业内人士指出,在目前的格局当中,奶农既要面对饲料价格上涨的压力,又要承担奶价过低的损失,永远是博弈中被伤害的一方。日前,黑龙江省政府已经着手制定了生鲜乳收购政府指导价,或许能在一定程度上保护奶农的利益,业界更希望它对整个产业链的健康发展起到良好的促进作用。 In just over a year, the number of cows in the twins, the largest county in the country that breed cattle, plummeted by 72,800 heads, down by a quarter. Dairy farmers said raising costs continue to rise, but milk prices have been very low, losing money too long, unable to maintain the status quo, only to sell cattle, kill cattle. Looking at Heilongjiang Province, the Twins phenomenon is not an isolated case. Long-term price downturn has caused farmers to lose their patience, have reduced their scale and reduced their stock of livestock. The direct consequence of this is the decrease of milk resources. Also to Twin Cities, for example, Nestle currently receives 1,000 tons of fresh milk, a decrease of 16% over the same period of last year and a third of its production capacity has been shelved. Dairy farmers and dairy processing enterprises, this is the two ends of the industrial chain, a prosperous, a loss, but now it has become a friend of each other’s game, and from the price war started that day, doomed to the two sides will be together Bear the consequences. Insiders pointed out that among the current pattern, dairy farmers not only face the pressure of rising feed prices, but also bear the loss of low milk prices, will always be injured in the game side. Recently, the government of Heilongjiang Province has started to formulate raw milk purchasing government guidance price, may be able to protect dairy farmers to a certain extent, the industry also hope that it will play a good role in promoting the healthy development of the entire industrial chain.
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