描述了产自辽宁西部北票上园地区尖山沟上侏罗统义县组下部膜翅目昆虫化石 1新属 2新种。新属新种 Procretevania pristina gen.etsp.nov.归入白垩旗腹姬蜂科 ( Cretevaniidae) ,新种 Gurvanotrupes liaoningensis sp.nov.归入细蜂科 ( Serphidae)。这是 Cretevaniidae科和 Gur-vanotrupes属在我国的首次发现。
Describes two new genera and two new genus of Hymenoptera from the Lower Jurassic Yixian Formation in Jianshanggou, Beipiao Shangyuan, western Liaoning. The new genus Procretevania pristina gen.etsp.nov belongs to the genus Cretevaniidae and the new species Gurvanotrupes liaoningensis sp. Nov belongs to Serphidae. This is the first discovery of the genus Cretevaniidae and Gur-vanotrupes in our country.