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This study was the first to conduct high-resolution consecutive detection of clouds over the hinterland of the Takli-makan Desert(TD)from April to June 2018 based on a ground-based Ka-band millimeter-wave cloud radar(MMCR),with focus on the structure and
Eastern China has experienced rapid urbanization during the past four decades,and it is necessary to understand the impacts of the urbanization on the regional climate.Previous simulations with either regional climate models(RCMs)or general circulation mo
Two global experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of dynamic vegetation processes on numerical climate simulations from 1948 to 2008.The NCEP Global Forecast System(GFS)was coupled with a biophysical model,the Simplified Simple Biosphere
Studies on the atmospheric structure over the Antarctic Plateau are important for better understanding the weather and climate systems of polar regions.In the summer of 2017,an observational experiment was conducted at Dome-A,the highest station in Antarc
East Africa is so vulnerable to the impacts of precipitation extremes varying from frequent floods to prolonged droughts.However,systematic regional assessment of precipitation extremes across seasons has received little atten-tion,and most previous studi
The production of true color images requires observational data in the red,green,and blue(RGB)bands.The Ad-vanced Geostationary Radiation Imager(AGRI)onboard China\'s Fengyun-4(FY-4)series of geostationary satellites only has blue and red bands,and we t
Easy access to accurate and reliable climate data is a crucial concern in hydrological modeling.In this regard,grid-ded climate data have recently been provided as an alternative to observational data.However,those data should be first evaluated and corre
Assimilation of satellite-derived relative humidity(Satellite-RH)is capable of improving sea fog forecasts by satur-ating the background in the observed foggy areas.Previous studies have achieved saturation by increasing the mois-ture only(Method-q).Howev
2016年10月采自北部湾海域的1尾鱼类标本经鉴定为线鳍鲆属Taeniopsetta Gilbert,1905的眼斑线鳍鲆Taeniopsetta ocellata(Günther,1880),隶属于鲽形目Pleuronectiformes鲆科Bothidae,这是该属和种首次在中国大陆海域的报道.线鳍鲆属的主要形态特征包括:体长卵圆形;双眼位于头左侧;口小;有眼侧和无眼侧均有1行小尖牙;鳞细小,仅体左侧有1条侧线;雄鱼有1枚强吻棘和2或3枚眼棘,雌鱼吻棘和眼棘很钝或无;无眼侧腹鳍始于有眼侧第2根腹鳍鳍条