一.什么叫“市场细分化”? 美国有1,300多万个工业企业。假如建筑设备制造厂试图把它们的产品向所有1,300万个企业销售,不论怎么说,那将会白白地耗费时间和金钱。即使世界上最出色的销售员也无法把蒸气滚动机向银行推销。如果在《妇女服装日报》以整版篇幅刊登推土机广告,就是登上一年也难做成一笔买卖。因而,在制造商的销售计划中,总要把整个工业品市场细分或者
1. What is “market segmentation?” There are more than 13 million industrial companies in the United States. If construction equipment manufacturers try to sell their products to all 13 million companies, anyway, that would waste time and money. Even the best salesmen in the world cannot sell steam-rolling machines to banks. If the “Women’s Wear Daily” publishes advertisements for bulldozers in full-page space, it is difficult to make a sale on board for a year. Therefore, in the manufacturer’s sales plan, it is always necessary to subdivide the entire industrial product market or