久经考验的无产阶级革命家、中国共产党的优秀党员、“文革”前中共辽宁省委第一书记、原最高人民检察院检察长黄火青同志逝世了。听着电视里低回的哀乐,看着荧屏上老人家慈祥的遗像,我们心中无比悲痛。几天来,黄老生前的一幕幕感人情景一直萦绕在我们的脑际。那些印在心中的场景,我们永生难忘。 那是“史无前例”的年月。黄老作为全省“最大的走资派”在挨批斗。他刚刚做过手术不久,需要随时进食,
Proven proletarian revolutionaries, outstanding party members of the Chinese Communist Party, and former First Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee and former Attorney General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Huang Huaiqing, have died during the “Cultural Revolution.” Listening to low return on television sadness, looking at the old screen on the kind of portrait, we feel extremely sad. In the past few days, the scenes of Huang Laosheng touching scenes have been lingering in our minds. Those scenes in the heart, we will never forget. That is the “unprecedented” years. Huang Lao as the province’s “largest capitalist” in the fight against criticism. He just had surgery shortly before, need to eat at any time,