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在当前的中学作文教学中,仍存在许多不合理的现象。如教学目的太功利,写作教学主要围绕高考指挥棒转,忽略了学生全面发展和长远发展的要求;教学过程太单调,采用教师单一指导、评改、讲评的形式,重形式、轻思维,很少让学生通过自己的活动与实践去获取知识,形成作文能力;教学计划性与系统性不强,随意性大等等。这些问题的存在,直接影响了作文教学的效率。作为中学语文教师要改变以往的教学方式和方法,让学生多多地去实践,通过自己的实践找出写作题材,总结获取的知识。我就如何改变当前的现状做了简单的阐述。 In the current middle school composition teaching, there are still many irrational phenomena. Such as teaching purposes is too utilitarian, writing teaching mainly around the college entrance examination command to switch, ignoring the overall development of students and long-term development requirements; teaching process is too monotonous, using a single teacher guidance, assessment, comment on the form of heavy form, light thinking, very little Let students through their own activities and practices to obtain knowledge, the formation of writing ability; teaching planning and systematic weakness, randomness and so on. The existence of these problems has a direct impact on the efficiency of writing teaching. As a middle school language teacher to change the previous teaching methods and methods for students to practice a lot, through their own practice to find the subject of writing, summarizing the acquired knowledge. I made a simple exposition of how to change the current situation.
我是一个对吃相当讲究而又好吃的女孩子。我家在淮南,父母只有我一个宝贝女儿。从小他们对我百般宠爱,认为凡是对我生长有利的食品,他们就会不顾一切地买来,做好,再眼巴巴地看我一个人将它吃下去。所以,从小我就养成了好挑食的毛病。  1996年夏天,大学毕业后,我直接来到了南方,不为别的,就因为有个算命的人说,我命中有水,到南方会发大财。我想自己文笔好,所学又是文秘,凭自己的小脑瓜,不让算命先生算,也应该到