酷鱼ATA Ⅲ获好评。希捷科技公司的酷鱼ATA Ⅲ——世界上最快的ATA磁盘驱动器在过去两个月里被五家主要刊物评为“编辑首选产品”。这五家刊物分别是:Byte.com、MacWorld、PC Today、Smart Computing和ZDNet。这些杂志称赞该驱动器拥有最高的性能、独特的可靠性特征和无噪声的运行。
Barracuda ATA Ⅲ won the praise. Seagate Technology’s Barracuda ATA III, the world’s fastest ATA disk drive, has been voted “Editor’s Choice” by five major journals in the past two months. The five publications are: Byte.com, MacWorld, PC Today, Smart Computing and ZDNet. The magazines praise the drive for the highest performance, unique reliability features and quiet operation.