目前开采的镍矿有两种类型:硫化矿矿脉和氧化矿矿脉。 首先开采的矿脉是其冶金最简单的硫化矿矿脉,这些矿石位于深部,通常采用井下开采。 由母岩蚀变产生的氧化矿形成表面矿脉,可以采用廉价的露天开采。氧化矿很快地引起了研究人员的兴趣,并研制了几种方法。目前,有三种方法已在工业上得到应用:在新喀里多尼亚的Doniambo使用的火法冶金,在Nicaro(古巴)、Nonoc(菲律宾)和Greenvale(澳大利亚)使用的氨法,还有在Moa Bay(古巴)使用的硫酸法。 由于硫化矿矿脉逐渐采尽,因此必将导致氧化矿在今后若干年内占有越来越重要的地位。
There are two types of nickel ore currently mined: sulfide ore veins and oxide ore veins. The first mining veins are the simplest sulphide ore veins of their metallurgy, which are located deep, often using downhole mining. Oxidized minerals produced by the alteration of parent rocks form surface veins, which can be exploited by cheap open pit mining. Oxide ore quickly attracted the researchers’ interest and developed several methods. At present, three methods have been used industrially: pyrometallurgy at Doniambo in New Caledonia, ammonia at Nicaro (Cuba), Nonoc (Philippines) and Greenvale (Australia), and at Sulfuric acid method used by Moa Bay (Cuba). Due to the gradual depletion of sulfide ore veins, it will surely lead to the oxide ore occupying an increasingly important position in the coming years.