月之影 影之海——《十二国记》的时代与剧情

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在介绍《十二国记》故事之前,我们先来看一看十二国的世界观。1.天帝创造十二国。各国之间疆土明晰,执政者不得以任何借口挑起国家之间争端,不能率军入侵它国领土,否则将遭天谴。这意味着天理昭彰——“世上无义战”。不过并不说明没空子可钻。2.天帝生麒麟,麒麟选国君。哪怕是偷鸡摸狗之辈,只要麒麟说是你,那就是你。老百姓决不拥护什么刘邦之流是他们的老大,那就 Before introducing the story of the “Twelve Kingdoms,” let’s take a look at the world view of the Twelve Kingdoms. 1. God created twelve countries. The territorial boundaries between countries should be clear, and the rulers should not use any excuse to provoke disputes between nations and to invade the territory of other countries or face the scourge of condemnation. This means that natural justice - “the world without meaning war.” But does not mean that no loopholes can be drilled. 2. God Health unicorn, unicorn election king. Even if it is pilgrimage to the dog, as long as the unicorn is you, that is you. People do not support what Liu Bang’s flow is their boss, then
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