目的:评估社区高血压患者治疗依从性,分析治疗依从性与高血压患者血压控制达标与否之间的关系。方法:将自愿参加高血压自我管理小组的高血压患者318例为研究对象,按照随机对照试验研究设计,将318例患者随机分为干预组(n=156)和对照组(n=162)。干预组接受高血压自我管理小组模式管理,对照组不接受自我管理,项目实施6个月。干预前后采用“高血压治疗依从性量”(therapeutic ad herence scale for hypertensive patients-TASHP)进行治疗依从性评估,并对两组患者干预前后进行治疗依从性和血压控制进行比较。结果:两组患者干预前高血压患者治疗依从性不佳现象普遍,干预后,干预组治疗依从性显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。干预后,干预组血压达标率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),且干预组、对照组干预前后血压控制是否达标和治疗依从性得分有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:高血压患者治疗依从性不佳现象普遍,治疗依从性好差和血压控制密切相关,治疗依从性的评估可作为高血压管理的重要补充。“,”Objective: To evaluate the treatment compliance of hypertensive patients in community, and analysis the relationship between treatment compliance and blood pressure level. Methods: The volunteers were randomly divided into intervention group (n =156) and control group (n =162) based on the randomized controlled trial. Intervention group accepted the management mode of self -management, the control group did not accept self -management. The project lasted for six months. Before and after the intervention, using the “Therapeutic adherence scale for hypertensive patients” (TASHP)to evaluate the treatment compliance, and compare the result of treatment compliance and blood pressure level. Results: The phenomenon of poor treatment compliance was very common in these two groups. After intervention, the treatment compliance in intervention group was higher than the control group (P<0.01). The rate of hypertension control in intervention group was higher than the control group (P<0.05). No matter the blood pressure was control or not in these two groups, the score of treatment compliance was definitely important for this issue (P<0.01). Conclusion: The phenomenon of poor treatment compliance is very common. The treatment compliance played a very important role in the control of blood pressure. The evaluation of treatment compliance can be a supplementary tool for the management of hypertension.