在上世纪20年代中期,在北京的大学学府群中,北京女子师范大学可以说是一座深宫闱院。 执掌校印的杨荫榆,是江苏无锡人,一个缠过足尔后又放大了的世代书香人家的女子。她的学历很不简单,1907年官费留学日本,于东京女子高等师范学校寒窗苦读6年,毕业时名列前茅。1918年又由国民党教育部选送美国深造,5年后,获哥伦比亚大学硕士学位,1924年回国后即任北京女子师范大学校长。
In the mid-1920s, Beijing Normal University of Women could be said to be a palace in the university group in Beijing. Yang Yin Yu, who is in charge of school printing, is a woman from Wuxi, Jiangsu province, a generation of scholarly people who has been wrapped around and then enlarged. Her diploma is very simple. In 1907, government officials studied in Japan and studied for six years at the Tokyo Girls’ Normal College. She graduated with the highest scores. In 1918, he was sent to the United States for further studies by the Kuomintang Education Ministry. After 5 years, he got a master’s degree from Columbia University. After returning to China in 1924, he became the president of Beijing Women’s Normal University.