年级:一年级(实验教材一年级下册)课时:一课时一.教学目标 (1)初步学会歌曲《快乐的孩子爱唱歌》,体验快乐的情感,引导学生活泼、开朗地参与音乐活动。 (2)能有表情地朗读歌词,吐字清晰、灵巧。 (3)通过学科间渗透,自主学习,充分发挥学生各自的兴趣特长,培养创新能力、合作能力。二.教学重点、难点
Grade: Year 1 (Grade 1 of the experimental textbook) Lesson Hours: Lesson Hours I. Teaching Objectives (1) Learn the song “Happy Children Love Singing” to experience the joyful emotions and guide the students to lively and cheerfully engaging in music activities. (2) to be able to read the lyrics of the face, clear articulation, dexterity. (3) Through interdisciplinary infiltration, independent study, give full play to students’ own interests and expertise, and cultivate innovative ability and cooperative ability. Two teaching points, difficulties