十佳工作品牌 “关爱明天、普法先行”活动

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为提高青少年法律素质,预防和减少青少年违法犯罪,促进社会和谐稳定,中国关工委、司法部和中央综治办于2008年开始共同主办“关爱明天、普法先行”——青少年普法教育活动,以“六五”“七五”普法规划为指导,广泛动员五老参与青少年法治宣传教育,深入开展青少年法制宣传教育。8年来,各地党委、政府坚持把青少年普法教育纳入综合治理工作考评,成立由相关职能部门和关工委负责人参加的领导(办事)机构,许 In order to improve the legal quality of young people, prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency and promote social harmony and stability, the China Customs Working Committee, the Ministry of Justice and the Central Comprehensive Management Office started co-sponsoring in 2008 “Care for Tomorrow, Law Popularization First” - Education of Youth in Legal Education Guided by the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” and the “July-August” popularization plan, we should mobilize Lao Lao to extensively participate in the publicity and education on the rule of law among young people and carry out publicity and education on juvenile legal system. Over the past eight years, the party committees and governments at various localities have insisted on incorporating general education for young people into the assessment of comprehensive governance and setting up the leading (handling agencies) organs with the participation of relevant functional departments and heads of the relevant work committees