加钙培养的小麦黄化苗和绿苗,经过红光(R) 、远红光(FR) 处理有效地提高谷氨酸合成酶(GOGAT) 的活性。不同光质对麦苗硝态氮代谢关键酶活性的影响与细胞内钙调系统及其作用靶酶———Ca2+ATPase 、H+ -ATPase 活性有密切的联系。Ca2 + - ATPase 、H+ - ATPase 的作用能改变细胞内H+ 、Ca2+ 的浓度,从而调节细胞的内环境,进而对植物的氮代谢过程起调节作用。
Added with calcium-cultured wheat yellow seedlings and green shoots, the activity of glutamate synthetase (GOGAT) was effectively enhanced by red light (R) and far-red light (FR) treatments. The effects of different light qualities on the key enzyme activities of nitrate nitrogen metabolism in wheat germ were closely related to the intracellular calcium regulation system and the target enzymes --- Ca2 + ATPase and H + -ATPase activity. The action of Ca2 + - ATPase and H + - ATPase can change the concentration of H + and Ca2 + in cells, thus regulate the internal environment of cells and then regulate the nitrogen metabolism of plants.