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华盛顿大学的一项最新研究认为,古代中国的黄河洪涝和频繁改道是由于人类活动造成的,而非先前认为的自然因素。该研究给出了距今3000年山东安丘庵上村周代遗址关于人工修建大型防洪堤坝和其它洪水控制系统的考古学证据。先秦以来中原统治者为驯服黄河修筑了不少河堤和排水沟,结果却使洪灾愈演愈烈。这为公元14~17年的毁灭性洪灾(河南内黄三杨庄汉代 A recent study by the University of Washington argues that the floods and frequent diversions of the Yellow River in ancient China were caused by human activities rather than the natural factors previously thought. The study gives archaeological evidence of the artificial construction of large-scale flood control dams and other flood control systems at the site of the Zhou Dynasty in Anqiu, Shangqiu, Shandong Province, dating back to 3000 years ago. Since the Qin dynasty, the Central Plains rulers built many river embankments and drainage ditches to tame the Yellow River. As a result, the flood intensified. This is the devastating flood of AD 14 to 17 (Henan Huangzhuang Yangzhuang Han Dynasty
毫不夸张地说,课堂教学中导课环节的情境创设,已经成为当前数学教师煞费苦心的一件事。教者往往为了突出“新、奇、趣”而挖空心思地去创造出“迷人”的教学情境,然而,细细品味一些所谓精心设计的教学情境,试问:这样的情境能起多大作用?  1 虚假造作的“情境”脱离数学本质。  [现场实录]:“求平均数”导课片段  师:大家喜欢做游戏吗?  生:喜欢!  (学生纷纷举手,有几个学生甚至高举着自己的双手,希望老