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中央决定,从今冬明春开始,用两年左右的时间,在全国县(市)部门、乡镇、村领导班子和基层干部中,有计划、有步骤地开展“三个代表”重要思想学习教育活动。开展学习教育活动的重要性和必要性江泽民同志关于中国共产党始终代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要求、代表中国先进文化的前进方向、代表中国最广大人民的根本利益的重要思想,是新形势下加强党的建设的伟大纲领和推进各项工作的行动指南。从新世纪开始,我国将进入全面建设小康社会,加快推进现代化的新的发展阶段。进一步加强农业,积极推进农业和农村经济结构的战略性调整,提高农业、农村经济的素质和效益,努力增加农民收入,是新阶段农业和农村工作的中心任务。当前农业和农村经济的结构性矛盾突出,一些地方农村经济发展缓慢,农民增收困难。解决这些问题,必须把发展作为主题,把结构调整作为主线,把改革开放和科技进步作为动力,把提高 The central authorities have decided that in the next two years or so, from the winter of this winter and next spring, the important thinking of the “three represents” should be carried out in a planned and systematic manner in the leadership positions and grass-roots cadres of the counties (cities), townships and villages throughout the country Learning and education activities. The Importance and Necessity of Carrying out Learning and Education Activities Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thinking on the CPC Central Committee’s requirement of always representing the development of China’s advanced social productive forces, the direction of representing China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people was strengthened under the new situation A great program for the building of the party and a guide for action in advancing various tasks. Starting from the new century, our country will enter a new stage of development in building an overall well-to-do society and accelerating the modernization. It is the central task of agriculture and rural work to further strengthen agriculture, actively promote the strategic readjustment of agriculture and rural economic structure, improve the quality and efficiency of agriculture and rural economy, and strive to increase the incomes of peasants. At present, the structural contradiction between agriculture and rural economy is prominent. In some places, the rural economy has been developing at a slow pace and farmers have difficulty in increasing income. To solve these problems, we must take development as the theme, structural adjustment as the main line, take reform and opening up as well as scientific and technological progress as the driving force, and raise
中华文明传承五千多年,积淀了丰富的生态智慧。“天人合一”、“道法自然”的哲理思想,“劝君莫打三春鸟,儿在巢中望母归”的经典诗句,“一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰”的治家格言,这些质朴睿智的自然观,至今仍给人以深刻警示和启迪。  不经过化学加工的植物染料,是古人几千年来的智慧结晶,但受制于原料以及过于粗放的工艺、颜色稳定性等问题,植物染色在当今纺织领域的产业化之路走得异常艰难。  用
文章依据我国宪法、民法、矿产资源法及其配套的行政法规 ,归纳总结了我国现行的矿业权法律制度。并从矿业权人的资质认证 ,矿业权的审批登记、有偿取得和依法转让等四个方面
目的 针对口腔护理结合饮食干预对口腔溃疡疗效的影响进行着重分析和探究.方法 根据研究的需要有针对性地选择在2017年1月~2018年1月这个时间范围内在本院进行治疗的口腔溃疡
目的 分析对老年糖尿病患者采取综合护理干预对于预防患者发生跌倒的临床效果.方法 对照组患者采取常规护理,观察组患者则采取综合护理干预措施.结果 护理干预后观察组患者在
11月22~23日,第十三届全国纺织服装标准与质量管理论坛于虎门盛大召开。本届论坛由中国纺织工业联合会检测中心、中国纺织工程学会标准与测试专业委员会主办,虎门服装服饰产业管理委员会协办,太极石股份有限公司等8家企业支持,以“创造力与责任”为主题,围绕品质管理的协同创新与社会责任展开讨论,探索新理念、新模式,促进产业融合和行业信息共享,推动企业品质管理模式创新升级,实现高质量发展。  国家市场监督管