10月16日下午,《南方都市报》记者王骥飞、吴峻松在广州市白云区同和镇蟹山村采访一宗家庭暴力事件时,遭该村所谓护村队员的野蛮殴打、抢劫、捆绑、搜身,两名记者被铁棍击成重伤,并被抢走手机、呼机、证件等。 发生在新中国第一个记者节前夕的这一暴力袭击记者事件,引起社会各界的广泛关注。连日来,社会各界纷纷以不同方式对受伤记者表示慰问,对行凶歹徒给予愤怒谴责。中国记协、中国报协、广东省记协、广东省报协等派代表到医院看望了受伤记者,并发表声明或呼吁,对记者被打事件给予深切关注。
On the afternoon of October 16, Wang Ji-fei and Wu Jun-song of Southern Metropolis Daily interviewed a domestic violence incident in the village of Cangshan, Tonghe Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City. When they were brutally beaten, robbed, tied up, A reporter hit by a steel bar was seriously injured, and was robbed of cell phones, pagers, documents and so on. The violent attack on reporters on the eve of the first reporter’s day in new China caught widespread public concern. In recent days, all sectors of society have expressed their condolences to the injured journalists in different ways and condemned the anger of the culprits. Representatives from China Association of Record Writers, China Press Association, Guangdong Association of Record-keeping and Guangdong Daily News Association visited the hospital to visit injured reporters and made statements or appeals to pay deep attention to the journalists being beaten.