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明清时期太湖地区的栽培兴盛,苏州府、常州府、湖州府、嘉兴府等都形成了菱的著名产地和优良品种,菱的传统栽培技术和加工利用方法也趋于完善。这一时期太湖地区菱角等水生作物生产的发展是由多种因素促成的,其直接原因是菱的种植可以增加菱农收入,还可代粮充饥,对维持水乡农民的生计具有重要作用;另外,菱种植的扩展与当地的水环境变化和市镇经济繁荣有密切关系。 During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the cultivation and flourishing of the Taihu Lake region formed. Suzhou, Changzhou Prefecture, Huzhou Prefecture and Jiaxing Prefecture formed the famous producing areas and fine varieties of Ling. The traditional cultivation techniques and utilization methods of Ling also tended to be perfect. During this period, the development of hydroponic crops such as water chestnut in the Taihu Lake area is promoted by many factors. The direct reason is that the planting of rhizomes can increase the incomes of rhizomys and also can substitute for food to feed the hungry. It plays an important role in maintaining the livelihoods of water farmers. The expansion of Ling planting is closely related to the change of local water environment and the economic prosperity of towns and cities.