The difference between American English and British English

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  摘要: 英国和美国虽然说同一种语言-- 英语,但却是两个完全不同的国家。由于各种原因造成了两国在使用英语时在很多地方有很大的差异。本文从读音,拼写,用词以及语法这四个方面对英式英语和美式英语的不同进行了阐述。作为教师应该清楚的知道这些不同点以便在教学中给予学生充分的帮助。
  关键词:英式英语美式英语读音差异, 拼写差异, 用词差异语法差异
  David Barton had said that we speak English in the UK. So do you in the US. But yet we do not speak the same language Most of Non-Native English speakers who think American English and British English are the same language completely. Here is an example to show that there are some differences between American English and British English an American visiting English walked into a hotel lobby and pushed a button for elevator service
  The lift will be down presently said a nearby clerk." the lift? "said the American "oh, you mean the elevator ""no , I mean the lift ," replied the Englishman annoyed by the American's arrogance "I think I should know what it is called " said the American." After all , elevators were invented in the united states ""perhaps" retorted the Englishman but the language was invented here from this humor people could know American English departed from British English it is one of branches ofBritish English or just as some linguists said American English is a transplanted language from Britain to American though the main parts of the two kinds of language are the same American English owns its typical character , with the influence of its strange history culture nations area and many facts during the developing period mark twain had said English and American are separate language ……when I speak my native tongue in its utmost purity an Englishman cannot understand me at all the differences between them reflects in words, pronunciations and spellings
  Ⅰ.The differences in words
  First when people express the same subject they will use differences words secondly there are different meanings about the same words in British English and American English sometimes the same words are different in the usage the difference between British English and American English many tiny places in education, British people called public school while in American they called prep school which always refers to those schools afford by privately most of the students are rich in American, the public school afforded by government, they were governed by education committee of county council these public schools in Britain just as council school here gives examples.
  WordEnglish American
  公寓 flat apartment
  电梯 liftelevator
  高速公路 motorway parkway
  地铁 tube undergroundsubway
  Ⅱ.The differences in pronunciation
  The differences between British English and American English represented on the sounds of the vowel letters a o and the consonant letter r
  1.Among these words ask can's dance fast British people pronounce the letter a [a:], American people pronounce [ ].so all these words are pronounced into [ s k ] [ k n t ] [ d n s ] [ f s t ] inAmerican
  2.British people pronounce the letter o [ ] , American people read o nearly [] so the words box, crop, hot, ironic, spot pronounced as [ b k s ] [ k r p] [ h t] [ i'r nik ] and [ s pt ] in American
  3.consonant letter r keeps silent or not is the obvious difference in British English the syllable is silent while in American English the syllable pronounced
  e.g. wordBritish American
   car[ka:] [kar]
   door [ d: ] [ dr]
   party ['pa:ti] ['parti]
  only in this condition the ahead word ends with a consonant the second word begins with vowel, the letter r pronounce [r] such as far away for ever [fa:r'wei] [f 'rev]
  4.words with more than two syllables end with-ary or- ory British people usually weaken a or o, while American people stress on the syllable of a or o, so there are differences not only in pronunciation but also in rhythm.
  e.g. wordsBritish American
  dictionary['dikn ri]['dik .neri]
  laboratory[/ 'b :r tri]['/ br .t ri]
  5.the words end with -ile British people read the letter I as [ai], while American read as [ ]
  e.g.wordsBritish American
  docile ['d usai|]['d s |]
  fertile ['f :tail] ['f rt?|]
  6.other kinds of words
  wordsBritish American
  clerk[k|a:k][K rk]
  either ['ai ] ['i:r]
  issue['isju:I]['i u:]
  Ⅲ.difference in spelling
  American people pay attention to the practical their attitude of pragmatism influence the spelling of the words During the development of American English the simplified spelling movement occurred
  1.the final silent letters such as -me -ur in British English are cut off by American
   kilogramme kilogram
   programme program
  2.the silent letter u in words ends with -our is deleted in American English
  e.g.British American
  colour color
  3.the words end with -re were changed into-er in American English, sound [?] remain
  e.g. BritishAmerican
   metre meter
  4.some words in British English end with -ence while in American English change into -ense
  e.g.British American
  offence offense
  5.some verbs in British English end with -ise spell as-ize in American English
  e.g. British American
  criticize/organizecriticize/ organize
  6.some words have double "/" while in American English there is only one "l"
  e.g.British American
摘要:语言是文化的重要内容,同时也是文化的载体。它反映着文化的发展和变化,同时也直接反映着文化的差异。本文主要论述文化差异对英汉词语翻译的影响。有些词语意在言外,语言含蓄,如果仅从字面意义直译成汉语,而不领会原文的具体含义及其效果,译文势必平淡无味,有时甚至造成误译。因此,正确地处理语言中所蕴含的文化内涵是语言翻译中的重中之重。  关键词:跨文化 概念 词汇 内涵 外延  A Comparison
摘要:2009年,新《保险法》开始实施,其中第十五条规定:“除本法另有规定或者保险合同另有约定外,保险合同成立后,投保人可以解除合同,保险人不得解除合同。”《保险法》中规定的保险人可以解除保险合同的情形被称为法定解除权。本文将对《保险法》中规定的,保险人享有法定解除权的情形进行总结,并与台湾地区的《保险法》进行对比,最后总结并得出建议。  关键字:保险人;法定解除权;《保险法》  2009年,新《
摘要:地理国情普查是全面掌握地理情况的主要措施,对促进社会经济发展与生态文明建设都具有重要意义。对于地理国情的普查,必须要制定一定的实施原则,在结合试点区生产经验的基础上,采取有效的措施来控制普查质量。本文分析了地理国情普查的内容,并结合考察原则提出了质量管理措施。  关键词:地理国情普查;质量控制;地理要素  地理国情普查主要致力地理国情信息的获取,是一项重大的国情国力调查,对全面掌地理要素、生
2012年3月,十一届人大五次会议讨论通过了《关于修改的决定》,此次修改将尊重和保障人权写入刑诉法。新刑诉法及《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》的相继颁布和实施对刑罚制度进行了调整和完善,对监所检察工作产生了重要影响。明确和突出地体现了人权保障理念,使诉讼制度和程序设计也更加公平、公正、公开,为监所检察部门更好地履职提供了立法支持。  一、新刑诉法保障在押人员诉讼权利的几个要点  (1)增设了独立的羁押必
摘要:近年来,由于城市土地开发引起的拆迁问题层出不穷,社会矛盾突出。本文就巴泽尔的产权理论对此进行分析,得出在现阶段政府干预的经济机理,以及需要注意的问题。  关键字:公共领域;博弈;期望效用支付  一、巴泽尔的产权理论  (1)一切人类社会的一切人类制度,都可以放置在产权的框架里分析。  (2)一切权力分析的基本单位都是个人,所谓组织的行为都可以最终份行程个人行为的总和。  (3)权利转让、获取
摘要:说明了IT系统的工作特性和IT系统的优缺点,指出了IT系统的适用场合。为减少电气灾害,在特定场合应注重对IT系统的应用。  关键词:IT系统;绝缘监测器IMD;IT系统的适用场合  一、IT系统的工作特性  低压电气装置的接地可分为两大类:一类是电源端带电导体不经阻抗直接接地的TN、TT系统;另一类是电源端带电导体不接地或经高阻抗接地的IT系统。这两类接地系统最大的不同是前者在发生接地故障时
一、中国城市轨道交通运营管理现状  轨道交通以安全、准时、环保、节约地面空间、运量大等优点有效解决了地面拥堵、环境污染等问题,不少大城市成功开通并运营了地铁和轻轨,有些城市更是运营了多年。  根据中国城市轨道交通协会统计,2013年末,中国累计有19个城市建成投运城轨线路87条,运营里程2539公里。在19个城市中,主要采取的经营管理模式为无竞争条件下的官办官营模式:线路为政府所有,一家单位独家经
摘要:本文从女性创业融资的特点、影响因素两个大的维度以及影响因素中的人力资本、社会资本和心理资本三个子维度,对有关女性创业融资的文献进行了梳理,并指出了该领域研究的不足和未来研究趋势,以便为后续女性创业融资的研究提供一些参考。  关键词:女性创业融资;人力资本;社会资本;心理资本  一、引言  创业对社会繁荣和个人事业发展有着积极作用,也是经济增长和创新的推动力量。当前全球来看,女性创业也越来越活
摘要:近年来,人民币不断升值,对我国经济造成巨大的影响,其中受到影响最大的莫过于对外贸易的企业。人民币升值对这些企业的影响成为研究的热点问题。本文在前人研究基础上对这一问题进行了分析。面对这些问题,外贸企业需要更多的智慧去解决问题,本文从各个方面给予了建议,希望以此推动中国对外贸易走上更高的发展阶段。  关键词:人民币;升值;对外贸易;建议  一、选题背景及意义  在市场经济中,企业的发展受到方方
摘要:县乡两级财政财力不足以及制度缺陷已成为我国财政制度上的短板,安徽省位于中国东西交界,地理位置特殊,其财政困难形成有着特有的历史、地理原因,也具有中国县乡财政困难的普遍特征。分析总结安徽县乡财政问题,对其他省份具有启示作用。  关键词:县乡财政;现况;必要性;改革实践;展望  分税制体制改革以来,县乡财政逐渐成为我国财政体制上短板。自我国提出“‘完善省以下财政体制’的重点在农村,‘增强基层政府