……天色暗下来,五颜六色的霓虹灯把纽约城装点得绚丽缤纷.路边一个跳踢踏舞的黑孩子,并没因夜幕降临而停止跳舞;他要感动过往行人,向他(她)们乞求一点儿钱.后来他终于跳累了,两只手揣在衣袋中,头缩在双肩,瑟瑟地抖着,向贫困的黑人居住区哈莱姆区走去. 他是谁?他就是历史上一流的拳击手鲁宾逊,有着近乎神奇的拳术.他在拳台上摔打了二十五年,他的心灵也在拳台上摔打了二十五年. 从一个贫困弱小的黑孩子,到震惊世界的拳王,他走了一条坎坷的人生之路.
The sky was dark, colorful neon lights decorate the New York City, a black kid on the street danced and tapped and did not stop dancing because of the darkness, and he wanted to impress pedestrians and beg for him a little bit Later on, he finally got tired, his hands in his pocket, his head shrinking on his shoulders, shivering, and headed to the impoverished, black neighborhood of Harlem. Who was he? He was historically first class Boxer Robinson, with almost magical boxing, hit the boxing table for twenty-five years, and his mind also beat the boxing ring for twenty-five years from a poor little black child to the world in shock Boxing champion, he took a rough road of life.