The difference between man and animal is that he is both natural and unnatural - he is a creature of culture. The deep core of culture is value. People live in a world of values, so people can be said to be value animals. Value is the object’s meaning to the subject generated and formed in the objective historical practice of mankind. The United States is a cultural phenomenon, belonging to the value category, it is a special value form, exists in the relationship between man and the object world, exists in the meaning of the interaction between the two. In this respect, there are two obvious misunderstandings in the aesthetics of the past. One is to look for beauty beyond the value activities and the phenomena of value, and the other is to regard aesthetic as harmless. To regard aesthetic activities as a kind of value activity, consider beauty (aesthetic phenomenon) as a value phenomenon, and regard aesthetic as a category of values may be able to make clear the total problems that have beset the people for thousands of years and always say no A clear series of questions about aesthetics are clearer or more clearly stated.