森林蔬菜亦称山野菜、长寿菜,是目前深受世界各地居民喜爱的食品。随着吃“野”风的升温,人们对森林蔬菜爱之有加,推崇备至。 森林蔬菜不仅营养丰富,而且有很高的药用价值。如马齿苋可治疗细菌性痢疾、肠炎、疖毒、蛇咬等症;蒲公英是肝炎、糖尿病人的佳肴;荠菜有清热解毒、利尿止血、软坚散结之功效;蕨菜能清热、
Forest vegetables, also known as wild vegetables, longevity dishes, is currently loved by the residents around the world food. With the warming of the “wild” wind, people love woods and vegetables and admire them. Forest vegetables not only nutritious, but also has high medicinal value. Such as purslane can treat bacterial dysentery, enteritis, poisonous poison, snake bite embolism; dandelion is hepatitis, diabetic people’s food; shepherd’s purse has detoxification, diuretic hemostasis, Endometriosis effect; Bracken can heat,