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  You probably already know how to say “hello”in several languages thanks to family, friends and language classes, but you can get a little more practice with your communication skills on World Hello Day. It was established[设立] by Brian and Michael McCormack in response to[响应] the Yom Kippur War注in 1973. The premise[前提] is to say hello to ten different people throughout the day in an effort to promote world peace by communicating with others.
   Say “Hello” to Strangers
  As you walk around, chances are you’re on the phone, in a rush[匆忙], or have music blasting[发出尖响的声音] in your ears. On World Hello Day, make an effort to be more approachable[可接近的] to those around you—take the headphones off, stay off your phone, and slow down a bit rather than rushing from place to place. This allows people to say“Hello” to you and also gives you a chance to say“Hi” to those around you as well. You could end up having some really great conversations and meeting some fascinating people.
   Contact People You Haven’t Talked to in a While
  Even with all of the technology that helps us stay in contact with others, sometimes life gets in the way and we end up losing touch with some friends and acquaintances[熟人]. Consider World Hello Day a chance to reconnect with people in your life or from your past. If there is someone you haven’t talked to in a while, send them a text or a card or call them to say “Hi” and ask how they’re doing.
   Research How Various Cultures Greet Each Other
  When visiting another country, one of the first
  things to learn is the customary[习惯的] greeting in that culture and also what is considered rude or improper, not only so you don’t get caught off guard[不警惕], but also so you don’t offend[冒犯] anyone. Depending on the culture, the proper greeting may be a bow, a firm handshake, a single or double kiss on the cheek, a hug, or a variety of other customs.
  Celebrating World Hello Day on November 21st is a chance to learn other languages and learn more about other cultures. When we take time to learn about the lives of others throughout the world, we tend to develop a deeper understanding of people and cultures as well, which isn’t just beneficial for us as individuals[个人], but also in terms of society as a whole.
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