为了解珠江三角洲地区城市周边中小型水库的水质状况,于2009年8月(丰水期)和2010年3月(枯水期)调查了4座典型中小型水库——横岗水库、水濂山水库、契爷石水库和东风水库,分析了水库的富营养化与蓝藻种类组成、种群动态及微囊藻毒素水平.丰水期总磷浓度为0.05~0.083 mg L-1,枯水期为0.026~0.082 mg L-1,丰水期高于枯水期;丰水期总氮浓度为0.75~1.807 mg L-1,枯水期为0.965~2.646 mg L-1,枯水期高于丰水期.4座水库的营养状态指数(TSI)均大于40,处于中富营养或富营养化状态.4座水库中共检出蓝藻16种(属),大部分蓝藻为丝状蓝藻和群体蓝藻;常见种主要为湖泊假鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena limnetica)、泽丝藻(Limnothrix sp.)、微小色球藻(Chroococcus minutus)、针状蓝纤维藻(Dactylococcopsis acicularis)和平裂藻(Merismopedia sp.);湖泊假鱼腥藻为绝对优势种.丰水期蓝藻丰度为37.06×106~557.78×106 cells L-1,生物量为1.34~15.76 mg L-1,在枯水期则分别为5.89×106~69.29×106 cells L-1和0.34~3.43 mg L-1.蓝藻种群在丰水期和枯水期有较大差异,枯水期以湖泊假鱼腥藻为代表的丝状蓝藻在数量上明显下降.丰水期蓝藻种群主要受光限制影响,而枯水期的主要限制因子是磷的缺乏.4座水库的主要优势蓝藻种类均为不产微囊藻毒素的种类,因此微囊藻毒素浓度都比较低,为0~0.174μg L-1,发生微囊毒素危害的风险较小.图5表2参32
In order to understand the water quality of small and medium-sized reservoirs around the cities in the Pearl River Delta Region, four typical small and medium-sized reservoirs - Henggang Reservoir, Shuigangshan Reservoir , Qiyaishi Reservoir and Dongfeng Reservoir.The species composition, population dynamics and microcystin level of the reservoir were analyzed.The total phosphorus concentration in the wet season was 0.05-0.0883 mg L-1, and the dry season was 0.026-0.082 mg L-1, the dry season was higher than the dry season; the total nitrogen concentration was 0.75-1.807 mg L-1 in the wet season, 0.965-2.646 mg L-1 in the dry season, (TSI) were all greater than 40, and were in the middle-rich or eutrophic state.A total of 16 cyanobacteria (genus) were detected in 4 reservoirs, most of which were filamentous cyanobacteria and cyanobacteria, while the common species were mainly lake-like Anabaena Pseudanabaena limnetica, Limnothrix sp., Chroococcus minutus, Dactylococcopsis acicularis and Merismopedia sp., And Lake Anabaena was the dominant species During the wet season, the abundance of cyanobacteria was 37.06 × 106 ~ 557.78 × 106 cells L-1, biomass 1.34 ~ 15.76 mg L-1, respectively, while in dry season they were 5.89 × 106 ~ 69.29 × 106 cells L-1 and 0.34 ~ 3.43 mg L-1, respectively.The difference of cyanobacterial population between wet season and dry season was significant, The number of filamentous cyanobacteria represented by Anabaena decreased significantly.The population of cyanobacteria in the wet season was mainly affected by the light restriction and the main limitation factor in the dry season was the lack of phosphorus.The main dominant cyanobacterial species in the four reservoirs were all non-producing microcapsules Therefore, the microcystin concentration is relatively low, 0 ~ 0.174μg L-1, the risk of micro-toxin poisoning occurs less.