进入新的世纪,我国开始实施第三步战略部署,全面建设小康社会,加速推进现代化进程。国民经济能否继续保持较好的发展势头,在很大程度上取决于农业和矿业基础是否稳固。农业是安天下的产业,矿业是工业化的基础产业,两者均不可忽视。 当前,我国矿业正处在一个重要转折时期,总的情况是,矿产品供给出现总量过剩和阶段性、结构性短缺并存,后备资源紧张;开发利用方式粗放,结构
In the new century, our country has started the implementation of the third strategic deployment, building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating the process of modernization. Whether the national economy can continue to maintain a relatively good momentum of development depends to a large extent on the firmness of the agricultural and mining industries. Agriculture is an earth-shattering industry, and mining is a basic industrialized industry, both of which can not be ignored. At present, China’s mining industry is in an important turning point. The general situation is that the total supply of mineral products appears in surplus and in stages, the structural shortages coexist, and the reserve resources are strained. The mode of exploitation and utilization is extensive and the structure