一、闽南引种栽培人心果的历史: 人心果(Achras zapota L.)属山榄科人心果属,原产美洲热带。闽南引种试种工作据调查厦门市前线公社高殿大队第五生产队已故归侨陈仙精曾于1900年从新加坡携带人心果苗回国种植于他家门口。该树于1949年厦门临解放前夕被伪军砍去做海防工事。闽南同东南亚国家早有来往,华侨回国时常常喜爱携带一些热带果苗种
First, the history of the introduction of cultivated people in Minnan History of the fruit: people heart fruit (Achras zapota L.) is a family of Brassicaceae, native to the Americas tropical. Taiwanese introduction of trial planting work According to the investigation of the front line commune Gaoding Brigade fifth production team deceased returnees Chen Xian Jing had in 1900 from Singapore to carry seedlings of people back to plant his home. The tree in 1949, Xiamen Pro-liberation erected by the puppet troops to do coastal defense fortifications. Taiwanese have had frequent contacts with Southeast Asian countries, and overseas Chinese often like to bring some tropical fruit seed species