【摘 要】
Usually, snow blankets the mountain in early De-cember and stays until late March, with the temperaturesranging between negative eight and five degrees Celsius(18-41 degrees F). The snowy scene in Lus
Usually, snow blankets the mountain in early De-cember and stays until late March, with the temperaturesranging between negative eight and five degrees Celsius(18-41 degrees F). The snowy scene in Lushan is not quiteas magnificent as those in northern China, but ratherdelicate. Every winter, cold and warm currents convergehigh in the mountains and deep in the valleys, turningvapor droplets into needle-shaped ice. Since such a sceneis more common in the North, Lushan attracts manysouthern tourists who rarely have a chance to witness thephenomenon.v
Its name alone, Yangliuqing (literally "Green Wil-low" in Chinese), stimulates the imagination. Buthow does this western suburb of Tianjin Munici-pality really resonate with its residents and visitors
Similar to the Dai ethnic group's well-knownWater-Splashing Festival,the Va ethnic groupof Cangyuan County,Yunnan Province,hosts a
Several years ago, a Yunnan friend recommendedNujiang Canyon to me. "You will see GaoligongMountain, famous for incredibly diverse veg-etation, on your left side, and magnificent BiluoSnow Mountain on
The primary resort zone is located on a long is-land at the southeast tip of Mexico's YucatanPeninsula. Viewed from above, it resembles agigantic "L" stretching out towards the Carib-bean. Three decad
For centuries, hot springs have served mankindin a variety of ways, providing a perfect leisureactivity even before the dawn of technology.While the Native Americans were taking advan-tage of hot spri
Locals recommend waking up early to scale Chakporito get the best view of Potala Palace. Under the brightmorning sun, the magnificent structure appears more ter-restrial. Compared to other mountains,
Emerging as China's cultural hub,Beijing is homcto more than20smll theaters.
The curtain rises, revealing performers on a smallstage, donning colorful costumes and masks todepict a true-to-life tale.
The Cancun summit was another important meetingfor the international community to advance Bali Road-map negotiations after the UN Climate Change Confer-ence in Copenhagen in 2009, which failed to crea
Considered one of the oldest ethnic groups inChina,the Yao people have inhabited LiannanCounty of Guangdong Province for more than1000 years,Over their millennium of history,