汽车信贷跟不上 据中国经济景气监测中心的调查显示,在全国700名受访者里,超过七成的人表示更倾向分期付款,只有18.9%的人表示倾向一次性付清。 从全球的角度看,美国汽车市场的信贷比例最高,80%到85%,德国是70%,印度是60%到70%。而我国目前实际享用有关汽车消费贷款的消费者只有5%,相距甚远。 目前制约汽车消费增长的主要因素除了税费过多外,主要就是信贷服务跟不上。汽车信贷发展的障碍
Car credit can not keep up According to a survey conducted by China Economic Prosperity Monitoring Center, more than 70% of the 700 respondents in the country indicated that they are more inclined to pay installments, while only 18.9% said they tended to pay off in one lump sum. From a global perspective, the share of credit in the U.S. auto market is the highest, 80% to 85%, Germany 70%, and India 60% to 70%. At present, only about 5% of consumers in China actually enjoy the automobile consumer loans, far apart. Currently the main factors restricting the growth of automobile consumption in addition to taxes and extras, the main is that credit services can not keep up. Obstacles to the development of automobile credit