Maxillary sinus granuloma lesions and tuberculosis are rare, so far only 42 cases reported in the world literature. This article reports a 4-year-old girl with a painless swelling of the left cheek in January with no history of fever, sore throat, runny nose, epistaxis, tooth infections and facial injuries. Local examination: swelling of the left cheek swelling to the lateral wall of the nose and zygomatic, swelling fixed, hard bone-like, no tenderness, the surface of the skin is normal. Two submandibular lymph nodes palpable, eyes and nose and throat and nasopharynx normal. The lateral flanks of the head showed an increase in the density of the lateral wall of the left maxilla, the shadow of the hilar and the left and right upper lung and Koch’s lesions. ESR 56mm / 1 hour. Under general anesthesia Ke - Lu surgery, exploration, see the left maxillary sinus with little pus, aspiration and culture, the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus soft cavernous, brittle. Remove and send pathological examination, given anti-tuberculosis treatment.