双子宫指两个分离的宫体与宫颈部二者相连,属Buttram分类Ⅲ型。双子宫双侧宫颈之间有交通较为少见。2013年本院收治该病例1例,经过检查确诊,现报道如下。1临床资料患者女,22岁,平素健康,经期规律,经量较多。2 d前乡卫生院检查诊断为早孕,左侧附件区实性包块。此次因停经40余天,腹痛、阴道少量流血1d,流血量大2 h就诊,进行彩色超声检查。超声所见:膀胱充盈尚可,壁完整,腔内液性暗区清晰。于充盈的膀胱后方可见两子宫声像,左、右侧子宫大小分别约5.1 cm×4.3 cm×3.1 cm,5.7 cm×4.6 cm×4.0 cm,肌壁回声光点细小、密集,分布均匀。于
Double uterus refers to the two separate palace and the cervix connected to belong to the genus Buttram type Ⅲ. Double uterine cervix between the traffic is more rare. In 2013, 1 case of this case was admitted to our hospital. After examination and confirmation, the report is as follows. 1 Clinical data Female patient, 22 years old, usually healthy, menstrual regularity, by the amount of more. 2 d former township hospital examination diagnosed as early pregnancy, left annex area solid mass. The menopause for more than 40 days, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding a small amount of 1d, large bleeding 2 h treatment, color ultrasound. Ultrasound see: bladder filling is acceptable, wall integrity, intracavitary fluid dark area clear. The two uterus can be seen behind the full bladder. The size of the left and right uterus are 5.1 cm × 4.3 cm × 3.1 cm and 5.7 cm × 4.6 cm × 4.0 cm respectively. The echo of the muscular wall is small, dense and evenly distributed. in