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为了全面落实中央《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》,浙江省委修订出台了《浙江省惩治和预防腐败体系实施意见》及《2005-2007年工作要点》,提出以教育、制度、监督、改革、惩治为主要内容,以整体构建、专项构建、行业构建、联合构建和科技促建为主要形式和途径,以最大限度地降低腐败发生率为目标,深入构建具有浙江特色的惩治和预防腐败体系的基本框架。《实施意见》明确提出了"积极探索科技手段防治腐败的有效途径,提高反腐倡廉工作的科技含量,使反腐倡廉工作不断适应形势发展、社会进步和时 In order to fully implement the Outline for the Implementation of the System of Punishing and Preventing Corruption by Equal Stress on Education, Institutions and Supervision in Zhejiang Province, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee revised and promulgated Opinions on the Implementation of Punishment and Corruption Prevention System in Zhejiang Province and Key Work Points for 2005-2007, It puts forward that education, system, supervision, reform and punishment should be regarded as the main contents and the overall construction, special construction, industry construction, joint construction and science and technology as the main forms and means should be put forward. With the objective of minimizing the incidence of corruption, Zhejiang has the characteristics of the basic framework for punishing and preventing corruption system. The Opinions on Implementation clearly put forward an effective way of actively exploring scientific and technological means to prevent and control corruption, raising the scientific and technological content of anti-corruption work and constantly adapting anti-corruption work to the development of the situation, social progress and social development
一、单项选择题 1.工业企业财务状况变动表左方的“固定资产折旧”项目填列的是( )。 A.年末“累计折旧”帐户的贷方余额 B.本年累计提取的折旧数额 C.本年提取且记人管理费
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