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晋庄大队400亩谷子,多年来亩产800斤以上,其中还有四次突破千斤关,却基本上未见倒伏。晋庄谷子高产抗倒经验,总的说来,有以下几条: 一、细清垄:即于谷子拔节始期,拔除垄上杂草、莠子残株、病株、虫株、弱株和过多的分蘖。达到苗脚清爽,增强田间通透性,苗株基部受阳光照晒较多,有利于纤维素的形成,加强机械组织性能;并使养分供应集中,下层叶片不致早衰,茎部基节生长粗壮;还可起蹲苗作用,建成强大根系。二、宽行距和合理密度:通透性较好的山区梯田,谷子行距以1尺左右为宜,而在通透性较差的平川地,可放宽到1.2尺。这样,就能造成后期茎部基节保持壮实所需要的田间通风透光条件。据测定,行间透光率比行距8寸的增加60.5%。但宽行距最主要的作用 Jin Zhuang Brigade 400 acres of millet, over 800,000 mu yield over the years, of which there are four breakthroughs, but basically no lodging. Jin Zhuang millet high yield lodging experience, in general, the following: First, fine clear ridge: that is, in the millet jointing period, removal of ridge weeds, hydatidst., Diseased plants, insect strains, weak strains and Too much tiller. To reach the freshness of seedling feet and enhance the permeability in the field. The basal part of the seedling is exposed to sunshine for a long time, which is favorable for the formation of cellulose and strengthens the mechanical and tissue properties. The nutrient supply is concentrated, the lower leaves do not prematurely decline, ; Can also play the role of squat seedlings to build a strong root system. Second, the wide line spacing and reasonable density: better permeability of mountain terraces, millet row spacing of about 1 foot is appropriate, and in less permeable Pingchuan, can be relaxed to 1.2 feet. In this way, can be caused by post-stem base to maintain the sturdy need field ventilation and light conditions. It is determined that the inter-line transmittance than the line spacing of 8-inch increase of 60.5%. But the wide line spacing the most important role
背景:帕金森病(Parkinson’s Disease, PD)的发病机制仍不十分明确,随着PD致病基因的相继克隆,遗传因素在PD发病机制中的作用越来越受到关注。EIF4G1基因是2011年在法国一常染
First-tier cities take the lead in China’s housing market rebound After months of searching for a schooldistrict home for his school-age daughter,Wang Feng,a r