The method introduced by the author has the characteristics of quickness, simplicity and repeatability. Six micrograms of unfixed frozen tissue sections were placed on coverslips coated with gelatin-chrome alum and left to dry at room temperature. After 100 μl of TED buffer (0.1 ~ 8.0 nM [~ 3H] -estradiol) Heterosexual combination plus 200 times excess diethylstilbestrol) covered in the slice. Respectively, at 4 ℃, 23 ℃ and 37 ℃ for 1 to 20 hours. After incubation, tissue sections were washed with TED buffer and the amount of bound receptor bound was measured directly by liquid scintillation. Slices were also histologically stained and the protein content determined by the Lowvy method. Scatchard analysis showed that both the high affinity and low capacity type I estrogen binding sites existed in the frozen sections of the target tissues (bovine and rat uterus), and the dissociation constants were