Multi-objective Optimization in the Milling of Titanium Alloys Using the MQL Technique

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:camisado
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The process for face milling of (α+β) titanium alloy while using minimum quantity librication (MQL) as the cooling technique was optimized by using of the Taguchi method to improve characteristics.The cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut were optimized with consideration of multiple performance characteristics including tool life, volume removed and surface roughness. The experimental results show that the multiple performance characteristics can be simultaneously improved through this approach, and the feed rate is the most influential cutting parameter in the face milling of titanium alloys. The process for face milling of (α + β) titanium alloy while using minimum quantity librication (MQL) as the cooling technique was optimized by using the Taguchi method to improve characteristics.The cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut were optimized with consideration of multiple performance characteristics including tool life, volume removed and surface roughness. The experimental results show that the multiple performance characteristics can be simultaneously accelerated through this approach, and the feed rate is the most influential cutting parameter in the face milling of titanium alloys .
The interaction between heparin and neutral red was investigated by molecular spectroscopic methods. The change of all spectra suggested that positively charge
在我小学时,班上有位男同学,成绩特别差。他调皮捣蛋,人又霸道,学校里同级或低年级的同学都避之不及。  我和他发生过一次冲突。有一次他打翻了我的墨水,整瓶新的都碎了,我很生气,坚持要他赔,他当然不乐意。从此我们结下了梁子。  到四年级时,有一次语文老师布置了作文题目,让我们写一个人。有很多同学写自己的爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶,我拿起笔,不知道该写谁。我妈说,你可以写写这个男生。  写他什么呢?我妈说,你不是