本文数据采集自2014年10月6-7日各备忘录组织官网数据库,本季度统计的港口检查及滞留情况涉及Paris MOU/Tokyo MOU/IO MOU/Mediterranean MOU/Black Sea MOU/The Latin American Agreement共6个谅解备忘录组织。缺陷编码来源于TOKYO MOU/PARIS MOU等官网公开资料。一、TOKYO MOU(东京谅解备忘录)
The data for this article is collected from the official website database of the respective memorandum organizations on 6-7 October 2014. The quarterly port inspection and retention statistics covered a total of 6 in the Paris MOU / Tokyo MOU / IO MOU / Mediterranean MOU / Black Sea MOU / The Latin American Agreement Memorandum of Understanding Organization. Defect code from the official website TOKYO MOU / PARIS MOU and other public information. First, TOKYO MOU (Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding)