有相当的国有财产是为公务便利或社会公益服务而存在的 ,国家作为行政主体行使行政权时在该财产上享有的物权不同于民法上的物权 ,不以盈利为目的 ,不应受一般私法规则的支配 ,而应受公法规则的支配。存在于该财产之上的物权便是行政法上的物权。法国行政法将公众用物和行政活动用物作为不同于私有财产的“公产” ,这一划分在现代国家体系及市场经济背景下有重要意义。借鉴相关理论 ,建立、健全我国行政法上的物权理论 ,将对我国行政法理论和实践大有裨益
There are considerable state-owned property for the convenience of public service or social service exists, when the state as the executive power of executive power in the property enjoyed by the property is different from civil law property, not for profit purposes, should not be general The rules of private law governed, but should be dominated by public law rules. The real right existing above this property is the property right in administrative law. The French administrative law uses the objects of public goods and administrative activities as the “public property” different from private property. This division is of great significance in the context of modern national system and market economy. Reference to relevant theories, to establish and perfect the real rights theory in our country’s administrative law will greatly benefit the theory and practice of administrative law in our country