【原作】永远的蝴蝶陈启佑(台湾) 那时候刚好下着雨,柏油路面湿冷冷的,还闪烁着青、黄、红颜色的灯火。我们就在骑楼下躲雨,看绿色的邮筒孤独地站在街的对面。我白色风衣的大口袋里有一封要寄给在南部的母亲的信. 樱子说她可以撑伞过去帮我寄信。我默默点头,把信交给她。“谁叫我们只带一把小伞哪。”她微笑着说,一面撑起伞。准备过马路去帮我寄信。从她伞骨渗下来的小雨点溅在我眼镜玻璃上,
[Original] Forever Butterfly Chen Qiyou (Taiwan) At that time, it was just raining, and the asphalt was cold and cold, but also the lights of blue, yellow and red. We hid under the stairs and watched the green postbox stand alone across the street. I have a letter in the big pocket of my white trench coat to be sent to the mother in the south. Sakurako said she can help me by sending an umbrella. I nod quietly and handed the letter to her. “Who told us to bring only a small umbrella,” she said with a smile, holding an umbrella. Prepare to cross the street to send me a letter. The rain dripping from her ribs splashed on my glasses.