天一天地冷,冰雪一天一天地热,冰雪旅游也随之一天一天地升温。冰雪孕育着文化,文化揭示了冰雪无穷的魅力。随着读图时代的到来,黑龙江省地方志编纂委员会在继承传统的基础上精心编制了《黑龙江冰雪文化图志》(以下简称《图志》),以独特的文化视角,全方位多角度深层次地展示了黑龙江冰雪文化的产生、普及与发展的历史和现状, 将冰情雪韵以图文并茂的形式展示给读者,同时也是献给广大读者的一道富有浓厚文化底蕴和地域特色的冰雪文化大餐。
Cold day by day, ice and snow day after day heat, ice and snow tourism also will heat up day by day. Ice and snow breed culture, culture reveals the infinite charm of ice and snow. With the advent of reading map era, Heilongjiang Provincial Local Records Compilation Committee elaborated “Heilongjiang Ice and Snow Culture Map” (hereinafter referred to as “map blog”) on the basis of inheriting the tradition. With a unique cultural perspective, To show the history and current situation of the birth, popularization and development of the ice and snow culture in Heilongjiang Province, to show the ice snow and snow rhyme in the form of illustrations and pictures, as well as an ice and snow culture meal rich in culture and geographical features dedicated to readers .