
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sven321
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Objective: To determine the relationship between clinical-epidemiologic findings and microbiologic results in vaginitis. Methods: A prospective study of 212 women with vaginal symptoms was undertaken. Each patient underwent an evaluation that included standardized history, interview after pelvic examination and vaginal culture. Results: Only 45% of patients received diagnosis. Only two symptoms were more frequently noted with diagnosis. Itching was more frequent in vulvovaginal candidiasis (VCC) whereas odor was more frequent in Bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV was associated with a history of spontaneous and induced abortion, increased number of pregnancy, vaginal douching practice and intrauterine contraceptive device usage. VVC was found to be associated with no contraceptive usage and previous vaginitis history. Conclusion: Presenting symptoms alone or with microbiologic studies has limited value, and that of the women with vaginal symptoms may lack a microbiologic diagnosis. Evidence-based approaches that produce highly accurate diagnostic and effective treatment regimens would be expected in the future. Objective: To determine the relationship between clinical-epidemiologic findings and microbiologic results in vaginitis. Each patient underwent an evaluation that included standardized history, interview after pelvic examination and vaginal culture. Only 45% of patients received diagnosis. Only two symptoms were more frequent noted with diagnosis. Itching was more frequent in vulvovaginal candidiasis (VCC) than odor was more frequent in Bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV was associated with a history of spontaneous and induced abortion, increased number of pregnancy, vaginal douching practice and intrauterine contraceptive device usage. VVC was found to be associated with no contraceptive usage and previous vaginitis history. Conclusion: Presenting symptoms alone or with microbiologic studies has limited value, and that of the women with vaginal symptoms may lack a microbiologic diagnosis. Evidence- based approaches that produce highly accurate diagnostic and effective treatment regimens would be expected in the future.
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