“我们驾驶的是 我国最先进的战斗 轰炸机,如果我们不 能练就过硬的实战能 力,如果不能成为新 时期的空中尖刀。那 就对不起‘航空兵英 雄中队’这个称号。” 这是英雄中队成长事 件簿上优秀飞行员新 的语录。有人将他们 干的活称为“一个大 脑、两个身子、四只 手的密切协同”。
“We are driving the most advanced fighter-bombers in our country. If we can not train ourselves well in combat, if we can not become a sharp knife in the new era, we will not be honored as the title of” Aviation Hero Squadron. “This is the Hero Squadron Growth Event Book New Quotations on Excellent Pilots. Some people call their dry work ”a close cooperation of one brain, two bodies, and four hands."