1999年 6月,江泽民总书记发出了西部大开发的动员令,这是中华民族在新世纪实现经济复兴的重大战略决策。在大开发中如何切实有效地开展反腐败工作,将是西部大开发能否取得成功的重要保证。 这是因为: 1、只有坚决遏制腐败,才能最大限度地调动广大人民群众的积极性
In June 1999, General Secretary Jiang Zemin issued a mobilization order for the development of the western region. This is a major strategic decision for the Chinese nation to realize its economic rejuvenation in the new century. To effectively and effectively carry out anti-corruption work in the course of developing large-scale development will be an important guarantee for the success of the large-scale development of the western region. This is because: 1. Only by resolutely curbing corruption can the enthusiasm of the broad masses of people be mobilized to the maximum