1 INTRODUCTIONrnAt present,natural gas accounts for 3% of the total energy consumption in China.It will go up to 5% in 2005 and 8% in 2010. Natural gas storage is a subject of great interest to many industries and particularly to transportation.Compressed natural gas,liquefied natural gas and adsorbed natural gas are techniques widely used.The possibility of developing a convenient storage system based on hydrate has been explored for about ten years around the world[1-5].Gudmundsson[1] has focused on the storage and transportation of gas as hydrate at atmospheric pressure since 1990.Khokhar[2] used 1,3-dimethylcyclohexane and polyvinyl-pyrrolidone as additives to lower hydrate formation pressure. Saito[3] surveyed the effects of tetrahydrofuran and acetone.Rogers[3] used sodium dodecyl sulfate as accelerator to natural gas hydrate formation.rnIn this work,the effects of calcium hypochlorite on hydrate formation are investigated.The data show that it can lower the degree of supercooling and enhance the relative cage occupancy.rn