关于“9 15”“圣狄”轮船舶油类污染事故应急处置的思考

来源 :珠江水运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fngdi
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巴拿马籍5万吨级集装箱船“圣狄”轮受台风影响搁浅,导致该船数百吨燃油泄漏入海,造成近十年来珠海海域最大的一次海上船舶油类污染事故。珠海海事局经历了前几次珠江口船舶污染事故应急的实战经验的积累,专业、高效地组织协调各方清污力量,选择最适用的方式清理海上油污,现场应急清污行动首次全面与国际油轮船东防污染联合会(ITOPF)的技术专家密切合作,同时重视正确引导舆论宣传,使事故的负面影响降到最低。本文就事故应急处置的过程,提供大量翔实的事实和数据,并对存在的问题作出深刻的分析,提出了对策和建议。 Panamax 50000-ton container ship “San Di ” round of stranded by the typhoon, led to the ship hundreds of tons of fuel leaked into the sea, causing the Zhuhai area in the past decade the largest marine oil pollution accident. Zhuhai Maritime Bureau experienced several previous Pearl River estuary ship pollution accident emergency practical experience accumulated, professional and efficient organization and coordination of all parties to clear the deterrent force, select the most appropriate way to clean up the oil at sea, the first on-site emergency clean-up action with the international In close cooperation with technical experts from the International Federation of Oil Pollution Carriers and Ship Workers (ITOPF), attention is also paid to properly guiding public opinion so as to minimize the negative impact of the accident. In this paper, a great deal of detailed facts and data are provided on the emergency handling of accidents, and the existing problems are analyzed profoundly, and some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
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