A Brief Analysis of Marriage View In Pride and Prejudice

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  Abstract: Pride and prejudice is the representative work of Jane Austen, a famous British female writer. It fully expresses the author's view of marriage, and emphasizes the influence of economic interests on appointment of love and marriage. Story to the end of the 18th century to the early 19th century British countryside as the background, with the feelings of the hero and heroine experiences as the clues, describes a few feelings for young men and women and marriage problems, including Jane and bingley harmony happiness of marriage, Elizabeth and darcy, the perfect marriage of love each other, charlotte and Collins attached to the reality of marriage lust, Lydia and wickham's marriage, reflects the British local conditions and customs, social relations, class concept, a series of problems such as marriage and family.
  Four types of marriages in the novel:
  1. Charlotte Lucas' marriage -- the most realistic one
  Charlotte married for money, through marriage she only got a rich man, so she had financial security. Marriage was a task for them, but the collinses got what they wanted from it: charlotte was settled and prosperous; Collins also gets a warm home, which is their understanding of marriage.
  2.Lydia Bennett's marriage -- the most ridiculous marriage of all
  Lydia's marriage to wickham was the height of folly. Her admiration of wickham was entirely due to his "handsome face, handsome figure, and charming conversation". Their relationship, based entirely on lust and appearance, has no basis in love and is neither practical nor romantic. Their marriage was also conditional, and it was with darcy's help that they married reluctantly. But they were so extravagant, so happy for the present, and so careless of the future, that they often wrote to Jane or Elizabeth for help, and expected their succour to pay their bills. Wickham's love for Lydia soon declined into indifference. ' Lydia and wickham also get what they want from their marriage: Lydia gets sexual :satisfaction; Wickham also got the wealth he wanted, which is how they understood marriage.
  3.Jane Bennett's marriage -- the happiest of marriages.
  Their marriage,  love is not the main basis, but the main attraction. Bingley is attracted by Jane's beauty and kindness, Jane is attracted by bingley's handsome and gentlemanly manner, and their love is more of a mutual admiration. Marriage is a complicated contract, and both parties must have enough love to sustain it. However, the love between Jane and bentley is too plain, too granted, and not memorable enough.   4.Elizabeth Bennett's marriage -- the most enviable marriage of all
  Their marriage was based on a tortuous but memorable love.With the first marriage proposal as the boundary, the change in thinking is not only Elizabeth, but also darcy. Elizabeth is aware of her prejudice because of darcy's letter; Darcy was aware of his own pride in Elizabeth's words. If Elizabeth did not reject darcy's first marriage proposal, it is likely that darcy's infatuation with her will not last long. If not for the refusal of the dialogue, darcy is still that despite the wealth, despite the appearance of good people, but too arrogant man. For such a man, even if Elizabeth agreed to marry him on the spur of the moment, in the near future, Elizabeth will still regret. But for the letter which followed, he would soon tire of Elizabeth, who, though cheerful, beautiful, straightforward, was too subjective and prejudiced. Because of these twists and turns, their love between the more precious, more profound.
  First of all, pride and prejudice tells the world that marriage should be based on love and respect, and that wealth is the most important guarantee of marriage. Money and love are both important in the success of marriage. But love is more important than marriage. This healthy view of marriage is conducive to guiding people to make rational choices in front of marriage.
  Secondly, this novel is helpful for us to understand the state of life and people's ideas in Britain at the beginning of the 19th century, as well as the influential factors of marriage in the secular vision
  Finally, by analyzing the psychological needs of marriage in the works, it is helpful for modern young people to analyze the foundation of marriage from a more comprehensive perspective.
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何谓领导力?领导力是个人或是组织带领其他个人、团队或是整个组织的能力。  不同的环境需要不同的领导力,环境是领导力出现的客观条件,领导者本身的能力和个性决定了他会怎样领导,是否为成功的领导,领导者本身是成功领导力出现的主观条件。我认为,当领导者发挥了个人能力,并且顺应了时代潮流,他才能被称为成功的领导者。  领导力出现在许多不同的情境中。从古代的奴隶制、封建制度到现在的资本主义或者社会主义制度,从
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